Lawn & Turf Installation Guide
GOPHER WIRE: Technical Information for Lawn and Turf Installations
Gopher wire is specifically designed for gopher exclusion. The hexagonal woven mesh 3/4” across the flats of the hexagon are small enough to keep young gophers out, a size determined by a young gopher’s shoulder girth at the weaned age of about 8 weeks. The 20 gauge wire stands are thick enough to resist potential gopher chew through.
Gopher wire strand is electro-plate galvanized, woven into the hex-mesh and then “hot-dipped galvanized”. This double galvanization essential when used under lawns, a harsh environment where the wire is subjected to constant moisture as well as fertilizer applications.
Tools needed:
Root Guard Gopher Wire Roll(s)
Lawn roller
Landscape Staples (length appropriate for soil type. Longer for loose soil, shorter for compact soil)
Wire Cutters
Tape Measure
Edging (if used) and tools and supplies to attach wire to edging, i.e. staple gun and staples
How to determine how much wire you’ll need for the job:
To install under new lawns or turf areas, first determine the most efficient direction in which to roll the wire out, remembering that the wire rolls are up to 5’ wide and 100’ long. Longer runs make more efficient use of material, labor and have less seams. Measure length and width and account for loss of 2+” per seam of overlap and loss for your edge treatment.*
Remove or add soil to the depth below finished grade of turf accounting for turf, and 1 to 1.5 inches of top soil above the wire.
Prep the surface by rolling smooth. Using a lawn roller will insure a smooth compacted surface.
Stake the end and roll out wire to other end. Stretch wire so that is lays as flat as possible. Stake end and cut wire.
Overlap adjacent courses by a minimum of two inches. Using landscape staples, pin the wire to the ground, every 18” or so at the perimeter and 24” at the interior overlaps.
Any area that the wire is not flat against the ground add additional stakes and use the lawn roller to flatten creating a crease if necessary so the wire 100% contacts the soil.
If using a boarder add it now and secure the wire to it.*
Add top soil to a uniform depth of 1 to 1 ½ inches and roll smooth with the lawn roller.
Lay sod
It is recommended that the gopher wire can be covered by 1 to 1 ½ inches of soil/soil amendment before the new sod lawn is installed over the top. The additional layer keeps the gopher’s snout at a safe distance from the grass plant’s root crown.
*Edge treatments:
2 x 4 or other thick wood or plastic boarder – 2” of wire place boarder and then fold wire up inside and staple to boarder
Fold over top soil – add 1 foot to outside edge, lay wire and stake down. Lay top soil to finished perimeter and roll smooth. Fold edge of wire over and stake down, then lay turf over.
Concrete or other permanent edge barrier—fold 2” of wire up the edge and push into place tight up against barrier leaving no gaps and stake down or attach to concrete with concrete anchors and 1” washers.
Bender board or no boarder—have wire extend a minimum of 2” beyond the finished edge and stake down. If using bender board make sure it’s securely seated on top of the wire.
Please call us at (831) 462-6095 if there are additional questions pertaining to the use of gopher wire.